Witch Arcana

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feb '24 (11mo)

The cis female head of Serpentanima House is as talented as she is strict. What she is talented in, however, remains a mystery. Claiming a true Serpentanima is secretive, Danaee keeps her schoolwork to herself.

When she interacts with her fellow students, it is primarily through providing them with demerits. Though her hair snakes are harmless, Danaee is nevertheless rumored to have a gaze powerful enough to make her colleagues wish they were stone.

Solo combat, titan attacks and troop kills
Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
Danaee's Lethal Abiity
Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 1, shards req: 0
50.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
50.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
31.00% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
50.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
5.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
1.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
1.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 2, shards req: 20 (+20)
75.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
75.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
40.38% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
75.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
6.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
1.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
1.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 3, shards req: 50 (+30)
100.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
100.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
51.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
100.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
7.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
1.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
1.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 4, shards req: 90 (+40)
125.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
125.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
63.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
125.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
8.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
1.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
1.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 5, shards req: 140 (+50)
150.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
150.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
77.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
150.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
9.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
1.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
1.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 6, shards req: 200 (+60)
175.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
175.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
93.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
175.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
10.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
2.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
2.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 7, shards req: 270 (+70)
200.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
200.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
110.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
200.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
11.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
2.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
2.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 8, shards req: 350 (+80)
225.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
225.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
128.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
225.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
12.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
2.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
2.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 9, shards req: 440 (+90)
250.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
250.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
149.00% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
250.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
13.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
2.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
2.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 10, shards req: 540 (+100)
275.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
275.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
170.75% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
275.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
14.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
2.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
2.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 11, shards req: 690 (+150)
300.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
300.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
186.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
300.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
15.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
3.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
3.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 12, shards req: 890 (+200)
325.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
325.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
201.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
325.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
16.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
3.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
3.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 13, shards req: 1,140 (+250)
350.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
350.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
217.38% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
350.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
17.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
3.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
3.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 14, shards req: 1,440 (+300)
375.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
375.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
232.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
375.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
18.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
3.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
3.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 15, shards req: 1,790 (+350)
400.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
400.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
248.38% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
400.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
19.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
3.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
3.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 16, shards req: 2,190 (+400)
425.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
425.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
263.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
425.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
20.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
4.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
4.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 17, shards req: 2,640 (+450)
450.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
450.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
279.50% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
450.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
21.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
4.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
4.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 18, shards req: 3,140 (+500)
475.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
475.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
295.00% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
475.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
22.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
4.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
4.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 19, shards req: 3,690 (+550)
500.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
500.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
310.50% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
500.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
23.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
4.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
4.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 20, shards req: 4,290 (+600)
525.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
525.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
326.00% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
525.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
24.50% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
4.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
4.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 21, shards req: 4,940 (+650)
555.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
555.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
341.50% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
555.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
26.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
5.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
5.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 22, shards req: 5,640 (+700)
585.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
585.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
357.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
585.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
27.50% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
5.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
5.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 23, shards req: 6,390 (+750)
615.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
615.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
372.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
615.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
29.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
5.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
5.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 24, shards req: 7,190 (+800)
645.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
645.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
388.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
645.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
30.50% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
5.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
5.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 25, shards req: 8,040 (+850)
675.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
675.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
403.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
675.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
32.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
5.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
5.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 26, shards req: 8,990 (+950)
705.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
705.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
419.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
705.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
33.50% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
6.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
6.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 27, shards req: 10,040 (+1,050)
735.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
735.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
434.75% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
735.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
35.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
6.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
6.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 28, shards req: 11,190 (+1,150)
765.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
765.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
450.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
765.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
36.50% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
6.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
6.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 29, shards req: 12,440 (+1,250)
795.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
795.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
465.75% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
795.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
38.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
6.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
6.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 30, shards req: 13,790 (+1,350)
825.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
825.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
481.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
825.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
40.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
6.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
6.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 31, shards req: 15,190 (+1,400)
855.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
855.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
492.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
855.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
42.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
7.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
7.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 32, shards req: 16,640 (+1,450)
885.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
885.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
504.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
885.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
44.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
7.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
7.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 33, shards req: 18,140 (+1,500)
915.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
915.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
516.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
915.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
46.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
7.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
7.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 34, shards req: 19,690 (+1,550)
945.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
945.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
527.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
945.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
48.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
7.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
7.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 35, shards req: 21,290 (+1,600)
975.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
975.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
539.50% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
975.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
50.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
7.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
7.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 36, shards req: 22,940 (+1,650)
1,005.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,005.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
551.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,005.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
52.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
8.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
8.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 37, shards req: 24,640 (+1,700)
1,035.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,035.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
562.75% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,035.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
54.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
8.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
8.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 38, shards req: 26,390 (+1,750)
1,065.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,065.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
574.38% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,065.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
56.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
8.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
8.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 39, shards req: 28,190 (+1,800)
1,095.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,095.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
586.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,095.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
58.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
8.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
8.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 40, shards req: 30,040 (+1,850)
1,125.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,125.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
597.75% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,125.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
60.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
8.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
8.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 41, shards req: 31,940 (+1,900)
1,155.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,155.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
609.38% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,155.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
62.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
9.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
9.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 42, shards req: 33,890 (+1,950)
1,185.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,185.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
621.00% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,185.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
64.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
9.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
9.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 43, shards req: 35,890 (+2,000)
1,215.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,215.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
632.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,215.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
66.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
9.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
9.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 44, shards req: 37,890 (+2,000)
1,245.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,245.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
644.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,245.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
68.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
9.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
9.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 45, shards req: 39,890 (+2,000)
1,275.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,275.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
655.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,275.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
70.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
9.80% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
9.80% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 46, shards req: 41,890 (+2,000)
1,305.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,305.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
667.63% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,305.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
72.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
10.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
10.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 47, shards req: 43,890 (+2,000)
1,335.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,335.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
679.25% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,335.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
74.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
10.20% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
10.20% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 48, shards req: 45,890 (+2,000)
1,365.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,365.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
690.88% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,365.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
76.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
10.40% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
10.40% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 49, shards req: 47,890 (+2,000)
1,395.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,395.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
702.50% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,395.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
78.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
10.60% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
10.60% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
rank: 50, shards req: 49,890 (+2,000)
1,425.00% - Plains Destroyer Tactics Boon
1,425.00% - Forest Fury Hunter Tactics Boon
714.13% - Forest Ripple Raid Fury Attacker Bonus
1,425.00% - Forest Guardian Tactics Boon
80.00% - Forest Wood Bonus when Hero is equipped
11.00% - Danaee's Lethal Abiity
11.00% - Danaee's Defense Ability Vs. Anais
Danaee Natrix
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